「只想購物節」嘅第二日 - 陳百里博士百忙中抽空到訪

「只想購物節」嘅第二日🛍️好榮幸有商務及經濟發展局副局長😍陳百里博士百忙中抽空到訪🌟V Caresee展位打氣😍謝謝陳百里副局長支持香港嘅品牌同埋展覽❤️貼心支持香港嘅中小企業。😃
On the second day of "Simple Shopping Festival" 🛍️ It is a great honor to have Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong Bernard Chan Pak-li took time of his busy schedule to visit the 🌟V Caresee booth to cheer us up😍 Thank you for supporting Hong Kong's brands and visiting the exhibition ❤️ support SMEs in Hong Kong. 😃